After successfully passing a trading challenge and becoming funded MyForexFunds send you the following tips in a email that detail how their best funded traders remain funded
The best funded traders risk no more than 1% per trade and have a 1:1 or higher R:R
3% of funded traders lose their money in the first month due to poor risk management (don't be like them)
99% of traders who trade highly leveraged crypto do not reach funded status due to volatility and high trade size
The traders who have remained funded in their second month without breaching the rules have no more than 3% daily drawdown on any given day (sometimes no trade is a good trade)
The most profitable traders in percentage return do not trade more than 5 trades in any given day.
In an Instagram post Angelo the TFT CEO dropped the stat that it takes traders 14 days to lose their Live Accounts
These are some stats from My Funded FXs twitter account